Website Needs Analysis

At Comworks we work collaboratively to deliver exceptional websites that are often your first guest impression, representing your  business and setting you apart in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Please complete the following information so our team can begin working on ideas for the proposal for your new digital prescence.

Website Needs Analysis

General information

Type of property

Design & Development Objective

Will this be a new website or redesign of an existing website?

Website Content

Comworks accommodation websites usually include the following pages, indicate if you would like something different or additional?
Please select any additional web pages or features needed on the new website:

Additional Features

Please add any additional web pages, features or functions that you believe would be a benefit to your new website(this section is optional)

Additional Features
FeatureBrief Description

Additonal Design Requirements

Will your company be providing the content (text) for the website?
Do you require professional copywriting services for new content?
Will your company be providing images & photos?
Do you require a referral to a photographer or videographer?

Digital Marketing Strategy

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing a website to improve its visibility on search engines like Google. The goal is to attract organic (unpaid) traffic by enhancing the site's content, structure, and performance to rank higher for relevant keywords. Comworks optimises every website for the best search engine results and this helps our development team greatly since you know your property and market far better than us.

Please select the values you will use to track the success of your website and online marketing

Competitors & Industry Leaders

Please provide a list of your company's competitors & their websites

CompetitorWebsite AddressComments

Social Media & Email Marketing

Does your company use email marketing like newsletters to communicate with potential & existing customers?
Does your company use social media?
Would you like to utilise email marketing and have an email newsletter template set-up with a similar look & feel as your new website?

Branding & Design Direction

Do you have current marketing & printed materials that the website's design needs to match?
Does your company have a logo?
Do you require a new logo?

Please provide a list of 3 websites you like

Website AddressWhat do you like about this site?

Please provide a list of 3 websites you DO NOT like

Website AddressWhat is it that you do not like about this site?

Additional Details